Estelle Harris believes that the Seinfelds disliked the Costanzas because they were snobs who thought they were too good for Frank and Estelle.

- Estelle: Maybe they don't like us. Frank: Why wouldn't they like us? (tastes the paella) Again with the pepper? What do you gotta use all the pepper for?! Estelle: Ah, keep quiet! Frank: (agitated) What, are you trying to set my mouth on fire?!? George: I don't know what the reason could be.
- Jerry: Boy, I had no idea you felt this way about the Costanzas. Helen: They're exhausting. It's like being in an asylum.
- Kramer: Oh hey, Helen, uh, could I use some more of your hand lotion? Helen: I told you it was good. Kramer: Yeah! Helen: It's from the Sak's Fifth Avenue in Miami.Kramer: Mmm. I'm gonna remember that if I'm ever in Florida. Jerry: Yeah, or if you're ever on Fifth Avenue here, in New York City.
- George: Maybe this will become like a cool thing: living with your parents. Jerry: Yeah, then maybe baldness will catch on. Things will all be turning your way.
- Morty: (on the phone) Jack, it's Morty. Jack: Who died?
- Helen: Jerry, have you seen Schindler's List? Jerry: No, I haven't see it yet. Helen: Oh, you have to go. You have to. Jerry: I'm going. Helen: You have to! Jerry: Okayyy.
- Morty: (on his beltless trenchcoat) This is 'The Executive'.
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