In this episode, Elaine describes an uncircumcised penis as having "no face or personality. It was like a Martian."

Jerry: Ah well, if it isn't Shakey the Mohel! Nice job on the circumcision, but it's not supposed to be a finger!
Mohel: The circumcision was perfect. The finger was your fault! You flinched!Jerry: Oh, who made you a mohel? Whadya, get your degree from a matchbook?
Mohel: (making a sudden movement towards Jerry) You see! He flinched again!
Jerry: Nice mohel picking, Elaine. You picked a helluva mohel!
Mohel: One more peep outta you, and I'm gonna slice you up like a smoked sturgeon.
Jerry: Oh, don't threaten me, butcher boy.
Kramer: The pig-man! I saw a pig-man! He was just lying there and then he woke up. He looked up at me and made this horrible sound, eeeeaaaahhh, eeeeaaaahhh.
Kramer: Believe me, Jerry. Somewhere in this hospital, the anguished "oink" of Pig-Man cries out for help.
Jerry: Well, if I hear an anguished "oink", I'm outta here.
Kramer: Look, I know what's going on here, the oink, oink. Look here you little quack, there was a half man, half pig holed up in that room, there. Now where is he?! Where is he?! You know what I mean - pork, sausage, A-deek-a-deek-a-deek th-th-th-that's all folks.
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