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segunda-feira, 20 de abril de 2015

How Much Room Do We Need To Supply The Entire World With Solar Electricity?

How Much Room Do We Need To Supply The Entire World With Solar Electricity?

June 24, 2014 | by Lisa Winter

photo credit: Nadine MayMore Sharing Services

In 2009, the total global electricity consumption was 20,279,640 GWh. The sun creates more energy than that in one hour. The tricky part is collecting that energy and converting it into useful electricity with solar panels. How much area would need to be covered with solar panels in order to capture enough energy to meet global demand? Actually, it’s not as much as you’d think.

The image above has three red boxes showing what area would need to be covered for Germany (De), Europe (EU-25), and the entire world.

So what the hell are we waiting for? Let’s start getting more solar panels on some rooftops and start chipping away at those boxes!

quinta-feira, 16 de abril de 2015

the world's billionaires didn't inherit their wealth — they earned it

the world's billionaires didn't inherit their wealth — they earned it

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new infographic from All Finance Tax highlights the richest people in the world, along with some interesting patterns.

For instance:

  • Eight of the 10 richest billionaires in the world are American
  • Two of those 10 are women, and in 2015 there is a record number of female billionaires worldwide
  • The tech giants Uber, Airbnb, and Snapchat contribute multiple young billionaires to the list

Most interestingly, the majority of billionaires — think Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, and Larry Ellison, to start — are self-made, while a minority inherited the whole of their wealth. 

Learn more about the richest people in the world below:

All Finance Tax IG   Billionaires Paradise (1)

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